Monday, May 13, 2013

Fick Sets New American Record

By: Kevin Fick
Saturday, May 11th
Ashby’s strongman Hunter Fick traveled to Duluth, MN to compete in the 4th annual Twin Ports Raw Open.  The meet was sanctioned by the USAPL and held at the St. Scholastica College in the Burns Wellness Center.  The event boasted 53 lifters that ranged in ages from 67 to 17.  This was a full power meet meaning the athletes could participate in the back squat, the dead lift and the bench press.  Fick chose to compete in the bench press only portion of the contest.  This was a RAW meet meaning there would be no equipment used except wrist wraps.  Each lifter has three opportunities in their chosen discipline to put up the weight they choose.  The rules for the bench press are as follows: The hands must be no wider than 81 cm, the feet, buttocks and head must remain in constant contact with the floor and bench without shifting, voice commands of start, press and rack are given throughout the lift and once the bar ascends the weight may not descend or list.  10% of the lifters were substance tested and any athlete setting a new state or American record automatically receives a test.  Head judge and meet director was Joe Warpeha.
Hunter opened his competition with a 352.5 lb. attempt.  The lift was successful but a motion of the head negated the effort.  The second attempt at the weight was successful and upon completion Fick was co-owner of the 16-17 year old, 181-198 lb. class American Bench Press Record.  Hunter’s third attempt was 380.5 lbs. The lift was good and Fick was the sole owner of the record by 28 lbs.  The previous title holder was Doc Derwin of Seattle, WA.  The record had stood for two years.  The effort secured a 1st place finish for all teens at the event.  Hunter finished 3rd in the overall with the top bench press of the day hitting 418.5 lbs.  About the day Fick states: “I was a little disappointed with the missed attempt as it made us revisit the weight again although I was happy to improve from the last meet.  The 400 lb. barrier is tough to crack in competition…next time!”  Hunter’s lift off partner was father Kevin Fick.
The Arrow football player and Knight wrestler holds three American and National titles in the USAPL, UPA and IBPA.  Hunter holds the state record in the 100% RAW sanction.  He broke his own existing USAPL state record by 45 lbs.  Aside from competing in track for the ABE team Hunter is currently training for the National Underclassmen Combine to be held May 25-26th in Burnsville, MN.

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